劇中, 可看出, 小時候的影響, 造成長大後之影響有多大.








2011 奧斯卡 最佳影片





英國國王艾德華八世(蓋皮爾斯飾)退位後,由弟弟喬治六世(柯林佛斯 飾)繼承王位。然而喬治六世自小便有嚴重的口吃,連大英帝國體育館開幕禮的致詞都無法完成,喬治六世透過自己妻子求助於一位澳洲業餘演員兼語言治療師萊諾(傑佛瑞洛許飾)來進行治療,萊諾認為口吃的人背後都有份不可跨越的恐懼,他必須找到一位朋友,放鬆自己,才可以從焦慮跳出來,在萊諾幫助下,喬治六世口吃情況逐漸改善,也和萊諾成了心靈摯交。






喬治六世二次大戰演說稿《王者之聲:正義宣言》(The Kings Speech)

"In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our history, I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas, this message, spoken with the same depth of feeling for each one of you as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself.

For the second time in the lives of most of us we are at war. Over and over again we have tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies. But it has been in vain. We have been forced into a conflict. For we are called, with our allies, to meet the challenge of a principle which, if it were to prevail, would be fatal to any civilised order in the world.

It is the principle which permits a state, in the selfish pursuit of power, to disregard its treaties and its solemn pledges; which sanctions the use of force, or threat of force, against the sovereignty and independence of other states. Such a principle, stripped of all disguise, is surely the mere primitive doctrine that might is right; and if this principle were established throughout the world, the freedom of our own country and of the whole British Commonwealth of Nations would be in danger. But far more than this - the peoples of the world would be kept in the bondage of fear, and all hopes of settled peace and of the security of justice and liberty among nations would be ended.

This is the ultimate issue which confronts us. For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear, and of the world's order and peace, it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge. It is to this high purpose that I now call my people at home and my peoples across the seas, who will make our cause their own. I ask them to stand calm, firm, and united in this time of trial. The task will be hard. There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to the battlefield. But we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently commit our cause to God. If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, ready for whatever service or sacrifice it may demand, then, with God's help, we shall prevail. May God bless and keep us all"

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